#TBT Film Rec: 42nd Street

The joyous, almost buoyant Depression-era musical maintainsChorus girls of 42nd Street its charm with rapid-fire wit, sometimes jarringly frank innuendo, and a generous dose of aesthetically and industrially significant Hollywood history.

In 42nd Street (1933), newbie “hoofer” Peggy (Ruby Keeler)–that’s 30s speak for tap-dancer, got me?–breaks her way into the chorus line of a Broadway production.  In between grueling rehearsals, she learns the varieties of backstage romance from the well-intentioned to the gold-digging with a few others in-between. Her character’s story as a young gal adapting to life in the Big City is paralleled by a plot concerning threats to the financial future of the show and the secret affair of its female star.  These plots converge when Peggy becomes a last minute replacement for the lead and must push herself to discover what she’s made of.

As a “backstage musical” 42nd Street‘s musical numbers occur within the confines of putting on a show rather than the any-minute-now-someone-might-break-into-song type that many non-musical theater types find off-putting.  It’s also a Warner Brother’s picture, the studio whose brand was films for “the working man” and also included the original cycle of Hollywood gangster pictures.  (Yes: this explains how Jimmy Cagney of Public Enemy (1931) was also famous for his tap dancing a la Footlight Parade (1933): WB had him under contract for the bulk of his career.) Continue reading #TBT Film Rec: 42nd Street

For Valentine’s Day: A Pick-up Line circa 1933

“I’m young and healthy, and you’ve got charm…”

Truly one of the great pick-up lines.  Ever.

So thanks, Busby Berkeley.  And thanks, too, for that  “top” made entirely out of a single fox fur.  Berkeley’s body-shot heavy production numbers are always a great reminder of how racy Hollywood was  before it got tame (and then got racy again).   This one also testifies that long before he helped turn Ronald Reagan into a Republican, Dick Powell was quite the song and dance man.  Sexy all around.